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Get help & support for suicide, overwhelmed, drug abuse & life issues. 

If you’re in emotional distress or suicidal crisis, find help in your area with Find a helpline.


If it’s an emergency, call 911. You can also go to your nearest emergency room. A medical professional can give information about your particular circumstances.


If you believe that someone else is in danger of suicide and you have their contact information, contact your local law enforcement for immediate help. You can also encourage the person to contact a suicide prevention hotline using the information above.

Learn more about personal crisis information with Google Search

SAMHSA Website

Worldwide Numbers                                                Call or Text Free

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       Connect with people you trust.

From International Association for Suicide Prevention · Learn more

If you’re struggling, it’s okay to share your feelings. To start, you could copy one of these pre-written messages and send it to a trusted contact.

REACH OUT                                                     CONTACT A LOVED ONE                                 EXPRESS YOUR FEELINGS

When you get a chance can you contact me? I feel really alone and suicidal, and could use some support.
I don’t want to die, but I don't know how to live. Talking with you may help me feel safe. Are you free to talk?
This is really hard for me to say but I’m having painful thoughts and it might help to talk. Are you free?


I’m struggling right now and just need to talk to someone — can we chat?

                                                         Country Hotline Organization Website Phone number

ArgentinaCentro de Asistencia al 5275-1135

AustraliaLifeline Australiawww.lifeline.org13 11 14

AustriaTelefonSeelsorge Österreichwww.telefonseelsorge.at142

BelgiumCentre de Prévention du Suicidewww.preventionsuicide.be0800 32 123

BelgiumCHS Helplinewww.chsbelgium.org02 648 40 14

BelgiumZelfmoord 1813www.zelfmoord1813.be1813

BrazilCentro de Valorização da Vidawww.cvv.org188

CanadaCrisis Services Canadacrisisservicescanada.ca833-456-4566

ChileMinistry of Health of Chilewww.hospitaldigital.gob6003607777

ChinaBeijing Suicide Research and Prevention Centerwww.crisis.org800-810-1117

Costa RicaColegio de Profesionales en Psicología de Costa

FranceSOS Amitiéwww.sos-amitie.org09 72 39 40 50

GermanyTelefonSeelsorge Deutschlandwww.telefonseelsorge.de0800 1110111

Hong KongSuicide Prevention Serviceswww.sps.org2382 0000

IndiaiCall Helplineicallhelpline.org9152987821

IrelandSamaritans 123

Israel[Eran] ער"ןwww.eran.org1201

ItalySamaritans Onluswww.samaritansonlus.org06 77208977

JapanMinistry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technologywww.mext.go.jp81-0120-0-78310

JapanMinistry of Health, Labour and Welfare of Japanwww.mhlw.go0570-064-556

MalaysiaBefrienders KLwww.befrienders.org03-76272929


New ZealandLifeline Aotearoa Incorporatedwww.lifeline.org0800 543 354

NorwayMental Helsementalhelse.no116 123


PeruLinea 113

PhilippinesDepartment of Health - Republic of the

PortugalSOS Voz

213 544 545

963 524 660

912 802 669

RussiaФонд поддержки детей, находящихся в трудной жизненной ситуации [Fund to Support Children in Difficult Life Situations]www.ya-roditel.ru8-800-2000-122

SingaporeSamaritans of Singaporewww.sos.org1-767

South AfricaSouth African Depression and Anxiety Groupwww.sadag.org0800 567 567

South Korea중앙자살예방센터[Korea Suicide Prevention Center]www.spckorea.or1393

SpainTeléfono de la Esperanzawww.telefonodelaesperanza.org717 003 717

SwitzerlandDie Dargebotene Handwww.143.ch143

Taiwan国际生命线台湾总会 [International Lifeline Taiwan Association]www.life1995.org1995

UkraineLifeline Ukrainelifelineukraine.com7333

United 123

United States988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline988lifeline.org988

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